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Comics and illustrations from a friendly neighborhood cloister, for anyone and everyone!
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Some comics and illustrations here are of my own book characters; even so, I try my best to make the jokes understandable to everyone. So don't be wary of any comic! And if in doubt, read any text to a post.
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh, Amaya, Amaya...

For any of you familiar with ramblings (most of you), you undoubtedly recognize this face.
For anyone not familiar, this Amaya Ta'al Aalya (the twelfth). He's one of the five primary characters in the book I'm working on. In a nutshell, he's the crown prince of their world, a renowned alcoholic, closeted opium addict, and never ends a night without a woman or man (he doesn't care) in his bed. I would say that he's a musician, but he hasn't played or composed in years (by book's timeline). He delved into his drug and promiscuity-riddled lifestyle after the death of his lover (their relationship was an affair; she was married) and a head injury (by fault of lover's husband); since has been pretty much lonely and sour. (Not to mention repressing the bad memories.)
The significance of the quote beside him is great; right now in the book, he was recently (and unwillingly) forced into intervention (from alcohol and opium, and everything else maladaptive he does) via his father's mistress (Yusu) and her concerns. During the first day of withdrawal, Yusu reasoned for her ordering the intervention as freeing him from drugs' prison; he replied that "A prison is better than hell". This portrait of him reflects as he's feeling now; but really, I think that line reflects how he always feels. In the grand scheme of the book, Amaya's character is always turning to one bad thing to avoid another, somehow thinking it better.
On semi-related note, I quite like this portrait of him; usual drawings of him look deviously pleased or cunning. Which he is, most the time, but that's really only the beginning to him. I also feel I've really captured him this time, what with being clean for some time and rather whittled to his deep self. It's sort of depressing, but this face is the true face of Amaya. Also, I'd like to note on his thinness; he's always been slender, but since sobriety, he's lost most interest in food and is resistant to do much else but lie in bed. In short, without drugs/promiscuity to distract him from his unresolved past, he's getting the brunt of his depression, and getting it hard. It's sad for me to see him this way- I know, I know, I wrote it this way- but characters really do make their own path sometimes.
Anyways, to end this depressing ramble, the blinding light in my right eye says it's morning. So, good morning, folks!

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