Users' Manual:

Comics and illustrations from a friendly neighborhood cloister, for anyone and everyone!
Each comic/illustration will be tagged with its characters or subject, so head on to the archives if you're looking for something specific.
Some comics and illustrations here are of my own book characters; even so, I try my best to make the jokes understandable to everyone. So don't be wary of any comic! And if in doubt, read any text to a post.
Also, for any post, click on the image and it will bring you to its original size. This may prove helpful for reading text bubbles, or simply if you want to go mad at the detail of sharpie strokes. It's your call.

Monday, August 8, 2011

And Here... We... Go.

Hectic summer aside, I feel it's been too long since posting new and regular comics to this hole-in-the-wall blog. And believe me when I say I feel terrible for leaving you all hanging! So apologies and cut to chase. My schedule is slowing, wedding season is dying down, and my window of free time is starting to open wide. This means comics are officially back on track! By tomorrow I'll post a new comic to kick off the end of this dreadful hiatus. And hopefully, the blog will be back to its regular schedule in no time. 
Thanks for all the patience and support, not to mention all the visits during the hiatus! Cheers! 
Tomorrow we party like rock persons. 
Or at least I will. With coffee and my cat instead of vodka and groupies.

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