Users' Manual:

Comics and illustrations from a friendly neighborhood cloister, for anyone and everyone!
Each comic/illustration will be tagged with its characters or subject, so head on to the archives if you're looking for something specific.
Some comics and illustrations here are of my own book characters; even so, I try my best to make the jokes understandable to everyone. So don't be wary of any comic! And if in doubt, read any text to a post.
Also, for any post, click on the image and it will bring you to its original size. This may prove helpful for reading text bubbles, or simply if you want to go mad at the detail of sharpie strokes. It's your call.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Apologies for Repeat Postings

As some of you might notice, I've reposted a few comics from the past couple of days. I apologize for this; I know it's confusing. These posts were first taken down by Blogger during their shut-down for maintenance a while back, and when Blogger was up and running again, they returned but with one problem... all of the tags were "smooshed" together into one, big tag. I tried to fix that, but for some reason I couldn't. So I had to delete and repost for the sake of organized archives.
Have a great day everyone, and thanks for sticking through this little reposting conundrum!

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