Users' Manual:

Comics and illustrations from a friendly neighborhood cloister, for anyone and everyone!
Each comic/illustration will be tagged with its characters or subject, so head on to the archives if you're looking for something specific.
Some comics and illustrations here are of my own book characters; even so, I try my best to make the jokes understandable to everyone. So don't be wary of any comic! And if in doubt, read any text to a post.
Also, for any post, click on the image and it will bring you to its original size. This may prove helpful for reading text bubbles, or simply if you want to go mad at the detail of sharpie strokes. It's your call.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thanks for the ONE THOUSAND!

One thousand. One thousand! That's a special number! In fact, a huge number! I can't even wrap my head around the fact that people have visited this hole-in-the-wall comic blog over one thousand times. It's simply astonishing, and even more so, simply humbling.
There's no way I could ever give enough thanks to everyone, from one-time visitors to regular traffic, for taking the time out of your days to see my comics. I know, I know, I do these "thank-yous" a lot. But I'm serious each time: I appreciate every single visit. The best way I can think to pay back the favor is to keep comics coming, fresh off the scanner: and that's exactly what I plan to do. So hang your metaphorical coat, kick back, and stay a while! Uly's Comics is here to stay.
So thank you again, for all the support you all give. It's a treat to make these comics for everyone: I hope they brighten your days, just like you all brighten mine.
Have an amazing day, everyone!

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